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Production of Voio graviera with propionic cultivation

Funding Framework

The pilot project of the ‘GRAVIERA PRO’ Operational Group is financed by Action 2 ‘Implementation of the Operational Plan (project) of the EIP Operational Groups for the productivity and sustainability of agriculture’ of Sub-measure 16.1-16.2 ‘Establishment and operation of Operational Groups (OPs) the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) for agricultural productivity and sustainability’ (Project Code: Μ16ΣΥΝ2-00178).

This action is being implemented in the framework of the Rural Development Programme (RDP) of Greece 2014-2022 which is being co-funded by the EU – European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD).

Main purpose of the Operational Group

The main purpose of the project is to create a new Graviera-style cheese for the Agricultural Livestock Cooperative of Voio
This cheese will have improved organoleptic characteristics and enhanced biofunctional properties with the addition of a propionic culture and other probiotic microorganisms as adjunct cultures

Scope and Objectives

It is well known that in recent years consumers have been looking for products with increased biofunctional properties, such as foods with probiotic microorganisms. 
The aim of the ‘GRAVIERA PRO’ operational plan is to create a new Graviera-style cheese for the Agricultural Livestock Cooperative of Voio. This cheese will have improved organoleptic characteristics and enhanced biofunctional properties with the addition of a propionic culture and other probiotic microorganisms as adjunct cultures
The new graviera will be a cheese with value-added, as it will have highly enhanced probiotic properties, improved taste, as well as improved texture and structure, and it will be aimed at special groups of modern consumers who are seeking increased nutritional value combined with organoleptic uniqueness. 


A different graviera with probiotic action attracts European funding 
A different graviera with probiotic action attracts European funding 

The ‘Graviera Pro’ operational project is being implemented by the AUA, GAIA EPICHEIREIN, and the Agricultural Livestock Cooperative of Voio, in the framework of Measure 16 ‘Cooperation’ 

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Operational Plan of ‘GRAVIERA PRO’ Operational Group approved 
Operational Plan of ‘GRAVIERA PRO’ Operational Group approved 

Decision No 3189/01-08-2023 of Inclusion of the Special Service for the Management of the ‘DYTIKI MAKEDONIA’ Programme approved the Operational Plan of the ‘GRAVIERA PRO’ Operational Group with a total approved budget of 140.115,21 Euros. 

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